Updated on
December 1, 2023

An index of resources and tips for planning worship for Epiphany.

91 Celebrating Epiphany 

91 planners and leaders often feel a "letdown" after the season of Advent and Christmas. But in terms of its deeper meaning in the church year, the season of Epiphany has huge importance and drama. During Epiphany, we celebrate that the one born in Bethlehem is a light to all nations (represented by the magi), and we explore the ministry of Jesus between the manger and the cross. 

Both of these themes prepare us to follow Christ to the cross during Lent, a season that begins with Ash Wednesday, which usually falls in February.

Our word epiphany comes from a Greek word meaning “manifestation or appearance,” and in church history this word has become closely associated with the revelation of Christ in connection with the visit of the Magi. ... In the traditional celebration of the Christian year, the Sundays after Epiphany do not constitute a special season in the same way as do Advent and Lent. However, some congregations do celebrate this period as “Epiphany season,” focusing on the teaching and healing ministry of Christ. These weeks can be a time to focus on Jesus’ ministry so that, from Christmas onward, worshipers grow in awareness of the significance of Jesus’ entire life. (adapted from )

Planning Resources and Services

  • Children's Program for Epiphany Sunday:
  • A story about 

Song Resources

Visual Arts and More

First Congregational Church

  •  of visual arts for Epiphany in churches
  •  Epiphany images


Children's Books:

  •  by Ruth L. Boling
  • by Julie Stiegemeyer

Featured Resources:

The 91 Sourcebook

Part F of , pp. 499-524, offers sample prayers and other worship resources for each act of worship celebrating Epiphany. These resources include suggestions for the Call to 91, Confession and Assurance, Prayers for Illumination, Prayers of the People, Offering Prayers, the Lord's Supper, and Blessing/Benediction.

Reformed 91 magazine

Browse all from our ministry partner, Reformed 91 magazine.

Center for Excellence in Preaching

Browse resources related to the Epiphany from our ministry partner, .