Leopoldo Sánchez on Preaching the Holy Spirit at Advent and Christmas
Many Christians understand the liturgical calendar as a way to follow the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pentecost season reminds us of the Holy Spirit’s work. But Leopoldo Sánchez suggests a theological twist for Advent and Christmas to remind us of the Holy Spirit’s role in the life of Jesus—and in our own lives.
Leopoldo Sánchez on Holy Spirit 91 Practices at Christmas and Beyond
Advent and Christmas present unexpected opportunities to remind us how the Holy Spirit empowers us to participate with and be more like Jesus Christ. The lectionary, visuals, cultural traditions, “Come, Holy Spirit” prayers, and songs can invite us into the trinitarian drama. Spoiler alert: these Spirit Christology approaches apply to every liturgical season.
Derek Schuurman on a Reformed Worldview and Artificial Intelligence
Many Christians are wary about rapid advances in artificial intelligence (AI). Some think AI has nothing to do with faith or the Bible. Others worry that AI will take over the world. Computer science scholar Derek Schuurman discusses how to connect bytes and beliefs.
Receptive Ecumenism in Neighborhoods, Soccer Fields, and Workplaces
This session will explore how to talk about differences in Catholic and Protestant worship. Every time we talk with a neighbor, teammate, or coworker from a different Christian tradition about what we do in worship and why, we are practicing liturgical theology.
Brian Hehn on an Ecumenical CCLI Top Songs List
CCLI (Christian Copyright Licensing, Inc.) hugely influences what many congregations sing, so the United Methodist Church began vetting CCLI Top 100 songs in 2015. Since then, song leader Brian Hehn has been encouraging other denominations to vet these popular contemporary worship songs so he can eventually create an ecumenically approved list of CCLI Top 100 songs.
Daniel I. Block on God’s Grace in Ezekiel
Although Ezekiel’s strange visions and often shocking images perplex readers, Old Testament scholar Daniel I. Block explains why the book of Ezekiel is worth reading. The judgment, grace, and love God spoke through Ezekiel to Israel also apply to the church today.
Cory B. Willson on the Faith/Work/91 Ecosystem
Theological conversations about faith, work, and worship take on new meaning when they start with the needs, questions, and experiences of workers.
Luke A. Powery on Living the Questions of the Bible
Luke Powery encourages preachers and worshipers to embrace the space and place the church provides to ask questions as a faithful way of Christian discipleship and engaging with God.
Preaching Conversations that Connect Pulpit and Pew
Whether churches call it a message, teaching, homily, or sermon, there’s often a big gap between what preachers think they are saying and what listeners hear. Preaching can become more effective when ministers, priests, deacons, and laypeople learn how to talk together. This two-way preaching conversation requires a cultural shift.
Karla J. Bellinger on Lay Contributions to Compelling Preaching
Have you ever gone home from worship disappointed that the preacher or Sunday homily didn’t seem very effective? Recent research reveals that listeners can help preachers help their peers grow closer to God.
Becas del 91 permiten crear un cancionero educativo en español
Para el liderazgo de la Iglesia Presbiteriana El Redentor, la noticia del apoyo que estaba ofreciendo el 91 (CICW) para implementar un proyecto relacionado con su comprensión del culto, la adoración, y la predicación, llegó de sorpresa. “Esa fue la primera impresión, cuando fuimos invitados a pensar en un plan y que podríamos tener apoyo financiero,” comparte muy emocionado el Reverendo Jorge Texidor, pastor de la iglesia en mención, junto a la líder Janira Colón.
Hardwired to Sing: Entrainment, lnteractional Synchrony, and the Spirit-ed Magic of Corporate Song
How can science help us understand what happens when Christians sing together in a common physical space? What are the neural and relational benefits of singing? This session will explore how the Holy Spirit works through what Christians in previous centuries have called “the second book of God”: nature, or the gifts of the physical world.